December 3, 2009. Paddy wanted to return an item purchased at a distant mall, but a phone call let her know that the store at Menlo Park would do the same.
The area for Santa was well appointed and a long line formed to see the jolly old man.
The mall was rather large and nicely decorated.
The stores had their own decorations and set the holiday mood. As usual, we took our famous "mirror shot".
We had planned on having dinner at the mall and in addition to the typical food court, there were several sit down restaurants. We selected the Rain Forest Cafe.
Every few minutes, thunder was heard, the overhead lights blinked to emulate lightning, and all the animals were animated and made animal noises. All the kids at all the dinner tables got up to observe and had a great time.
At the entrance was a large aquarium which had many different kinds of tropical fish.
It was Thursday and was not crowded as it probably would be on the weekend; thus it was nice to walk around and shop.