July 8, 2012. This annual car show is a memorial in honor of Bob "doc" Holiday Sr, who was a former Red Bank Volunteer Fire Chief.
There appeared to be over 300 cars today and a serious number of trophies for the winners. Cars ranged from steam powered vehicles to very modern cars and everything in between.
I took a few photos:
There was even a detail guy doing his thing today.
I'm baffled by this "charity fund". In the first 6 months of 2012, there was 272 murders in Chicago; where are the posters and the fund collectors? Down the road in Asbury Park, there is, on average, a murder every 3 or 4 months; where are the posters and charity drives? Many of the murdered are young men like Trevor, where is the equality of outrage?
And the rest of the car photos.
It was a most excellent car show and the sausage sandwiches served up in the firehouse were delicious.