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October 6-7, 2012.    Always alert for an interesting event for a fall trip, I came upon the Honk Festival in Somerville, Ma.  "Honk" as in trumpets, trombones, saxophones, clarinets, etc, and many drums that made up the sound.  Centered around Davis Square and adjacent areas within Somerville, were some 30 "activist bands".  October 6th was basically music day and on October 7th was a large parade where the activist signs were prominent such as "Repeal the Death Tax", or "Stop Corporate Greed" and "Tibet is not Part of China".




At Davis Square was a chalk board showing which band would play next.  There were all levels of musicians, from the high end professional to those who sounded like they just played their instrument for the first time.  The bands were active musically and physically, with dancing and flag waving.  The onlookers just loved the music and the whole entertaining scene.



On one street several musicians showed youngsters how to play a horn.  The training was very popular.



At another square in Somerville were other groups performing both music and dance.



October 7, 2012 - The Noon Parade.

Around 10:30, the parade participants were arriving with their instruments and their protest signs.  I was especially amused at the protest about "Corporate Greed", when I saw that every seat in Starbucks was filled with folks who thought nothing about paying three times the price for a cup of coffee than one would pay at a nearby deli.



The parade was formed in two large parking lots and I had a chance to see the activists before they marched.





The parade started on time and the merry event was off and running.








It was a fun couple of days in Somerville, MA. and everyone had a great time.


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