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East Windsor, New Jersey


March 6, 2014.  On another casual day trip, Paddy and I happened to be on Rt. 571 when I once again, spotted this amazing building.  I haven't passed this unique building in quite sometime, but just like the last time, I was forced to turn the car around and go back to take a couple of photos.  The building is at the junction of Rt 571 and Windsor Center Drive.



While most buildings contain their mechanical equipment inside, this unique building had all the equipment outside, on the roof.  Since my last visit, it looked like the building got a fresh coat of paint, and it looked great !





While taking photos, this friendly gentleman pulled up in his automobile, got out and asked me if his car was in my way.  I told him that it was not in my way and thanked him for being so considerate.  To my surprise he introduced himself as Kamlesh Shah, WHO WAS THE ARCHITECT of this building.  I told Mr. Shah how much I liked his building and how great it looked.  I left the conversation with a smile as I felt lucky to have met this gentleman.  I asked for his card so I could send him my photos.  He is the CEO of KSD architects out of Cranbury, NJ.



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