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October 5, 2013.  The weather was perfect and the crowds were enormous.  For the second time, the Asbury Park Zombie Walk broke the Guinness Book of world records with a count of 9592 zombies. I arrived around 1:30PM and didn't even try to park on the street, instead elected to pay the $20 fee near the south end of the boardwalk by the Carousel.

The Carousel offered makeup by professionals and many took advantage of this service.



With over 9000 zombies, I could only take a tiny sample of those walking the boardwalk.





As I strolled the boardwalk, I spotted this very pretty lady and her daughter.  A couple of years ago, they offered my wife Paddy a seat on a boardwalk bench and I remembered the kind gesture.  For those in my photo club, the very pretty mom is a Nikon shooter !



Nearby, was a very talented drummer.  He was able to maintain a stable beat while flipping his sticks into the air.


Shown is a boardwalk photo at the Stella Marina restaurant, which was completely filled, so I walked north toward and was lucky to find a seat at the Cubacan.  The food was excellent.


I took a stroll into Convention Hall where The Anchor's Bend bar was doing a nice business and where I found the Amish zombies.


To officially count zombies, the organizer's set up two areas with turnstiles.  Officials checked to insure that each person was a qualified zombie.  Those counted were gathered onto the beach to insure that nobody came through the turnstiles twice.



After the official count was completed, the giant zombie parade started at Convention Hall and travelled south on the boardwalk.  At the end of the boardwalk, by the Carousel, the parade turned west and headed toward downtown Asbury Park.






Not very long after the parade started, an announcement came over the public address system declaring that the zombies had broken the Guiness Book of World Records.  A loud roar of enthusiasm rang out among the crowd.


Every time a couple of innovative zombies posed, there was no shortage of photographers and a Videographer (Drew Bolognini) to capture the moment.



There was a street magician working the boardwalk and a few of the pretty vendors also joined the zombie activity.



CLICK HERE to see the 2011 Asbury Park Zombie Walk



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